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The Retrobits Podcast

Aug 21, 2022

In Show 148, I talk about my continuing adventure with a generous donation I received of MITS Altair equipment. It's been quite a ride!

Dec 9, 2010

A personal computer with 64K of RAM for only $595????

Welcome to Show #137!  This episode's topic: The Commodore 64, Part III!

In this episode, I conclude our examination of the Commodore 64, covering the variants of the C64, some popular hardware and software add-ons, and of course, modern day fun.

"The Woz" recently...

New Episode Tomorrow

Mar 31, 2009


Two announcements:

 First, a new Retrobits episode will be online tomorrow.

Second, The Retrobits Podcast is re-launching on a regular schedule, every two weeks.  A weekly podcast is not working out at the moment, and the schedule is all over the place.  I'm switching to bi-weekly to get back on track.

Thanks for...

Show 088 Delayed 1-2 days

Jun 4, 2007

Hi there,

Had to work this weekend - show 088 will be delayed one or two days.  Sorry for the delay, and check back Monday or Tuesday for this week's podcast!

- Earl