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The Retrobits Podcast

Jul 31, 2007

Programmer - an organism that turns coffee into software.

Welcome to Show 094!  This week's topic: The Sharp PC-1500 Pocket Computer!

Direct link to the Retrobits Podcast Forum (until the URL is repaired)...
Want to learn about the Mattel Aquarius?  Here's a page that could get you started...
Have a look at

Jul 24, 2007

When you get to the point where you really understand your computer, it's probably obsolete.

Welcome to Show 093!  This week's topic: The IBM System/360!

Direct link to the Retrobits Podcast Forum (until the URL is repaired)...
Check out what's happening at KansasFest, and all the other great stuff, at the

Jul 17, 2007


Hi there...


The Retrobits Podcast is taking a break this week.  Be sure to tune in next week for more retrocomputing goodness!  And thanks for listening!

- Earl

Jul 9, 2007

The only problem with troubleshooting is that sometimes trouble shoots back.

Welcome to Show 092!  This week's topic: A Close Encounter - The CompuColor II!

Direct link to the Retrobits Podcast Forum (until the URL is repaired)...
Gamasutra's History Of Zork can be found here...
And, an alternate history of Zork,...

Jul 2, 2007

" might like to come to a gathering of people with likeminded interests.  Exchange information, swap ideas, talk shop, help work on a project, whatever..." - excerpt from the original Homebrew Computer Club newsletter, March 15, 1975

Welcome to Show 091!  This week's topic: The Users Group!

Direct link to the...