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The Retrobits Podcast

Dec 4, 2009

I found the Enter key.  Where's the Exit key?

Welcome to Show #130!  This episode's topic: Enhancing the TRS-80 Model 100!

In this episode, I cover two add-on products for the Tandy Model 100/102/200 computers - the REX flash module, and the NADSBox SD-card storage system.

Both of the products discussed in this episode...

Nov 12, 2009

Have you hugged your retro computer today?

Welcome to Show #129!  This episode's topic: Connecting with the Atari 800!

In this episode, I cover several of the Atari 8-bit add-on products from Atarimax, including the SIO2PC/ProSystem adapter, the Atari Peripheral Emulator for Windows software package, and the MaxFlash 8...

Nov 3, 2009

Hi there Retrocomputing fans!

I wanted to post a quick note and let everyone know that more episodes of Retrobits are on the way soon!  I've had some challenges dragging on my heels the last few weeks, but things are getting back to normal.

Thanks for staying tuned!  Chat with you soon...

- Earl


Sep 2, 2009

Part IV!

Welcome to Show #128!  This episode's topic: An Interview With Chuck Peddle, Part IV!

In this final, part IV of the interview series with Chuck Peddle, he discusses being among the first to bring hard drive technology to personal computing, portable hard drive systems, industry trends, and his current endeavors...

Aug 22, 2009

This just in at the news desk - computers are cool!

Welcome to Show #127!  This episode's topic: An Interview With Chuck Peddle, Part III!

In part III of this interview series, Chuck Peddle discusses further market considerations for the Commodore 8-bit machines, and leaving Commodore to produce business-class personal...