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The Retrobits Podcast

Apr 24, 2006


To Mac, or not to Mac.  That is the question.

Welcome to Show 040!  This week's Topic: My Classic Mac Adventure!

Topics and links discussed in the podcast...

A PICAXE - what's that?  It's a microcontroller - a programmable single-chip processor with cool inputs and outputs.  Have a look!
Information on the Macintosh SE/30 from
Watch out for classic Macintosh CRTs - if you open your Mac Plus, SE, SE/30, etc. up, there are high voltages!  Luckily, there are ways to discharge the CRT before it gets you.

Be sure to send any comments, questions or feedback to

For online discussions on Retrobits Podcast topics, check out the Retrobits Podcast forum on the PETSCII Forums page!

Our Theme Song is "Sweet" from the "Re-Think" album by Galigan.

Thanks for listening!

- Earl


Doug McComber
eighteen and a half years ago

This episode couldn\'t have come at a better time for me. I\'m awaiting delivery of a Classic II I purchased on eBay last week. I was wondering if that 19 part 7.5.3 image could be transferred, mounted, and then run from the same hard drive as the one you want to install to. Thanks Earl!

eighteen and a half years ago

This was a great episode cause it reminded me of when I owned a Mac Classic back in 1991-1993. Loved the commentary on the special tool needed to open the case. I remember having to go to a hardware store and buying a really long hex key that I had to cut part of the handle off of. I still have that hex key in my tool box to this day, never used it again though. In those days there was this weird \"upgrade\" board you could buy for the Mac Classic that upgraded the 68000 to a 68030 at a higher clock speed. It was a daughter board that clipped to the 68000 using a patented \"Chip Clip\" adapter. I bought it off of PC Mall or Mac Mall. It never worked right. Just kept crashing the machine. I never found out if I had a bad one or if the design was just faulty. I ended up throwing it away after trying to sell it in the newspaper. I was done with Macs at that point in my life anyway. I built my first AMD 486 after that and never looked back.

Earl, one suggestion, how about in the future do some shows on arcade games from the past. Maybe you could focus on the various hardware used, the custom stuff and the platforms. Also you could talk about how the coders and designers were able to squeeze so much performance from the systems, Neo Geo comes to mind.